National Debate Festival 2012
Information for Participants:
1. Students from any public & private also English & bangle medium School, College, medical college or University of Bangladesh and free debate club members (present, former or debate lovers) can participate in this festival, on the following notes,
· Each school can send maximum 25 participants.
· Each college can send maximum 20 participants.
· Each university can send maximum 20 participants.
· 5 members from each free debate club can participate.
2. To join the festival Debaters will have to fill up the Festival Registration Form (Photocopy allowed) properly with the due permission from the institution authority.
3. Limited number of participants will be allowed for the festival. Participants having Festival Pre-Registration ID will get priority for the main registration as a first come first serve basis.
4. Every institution has to confirm their registration within 20 February, 2012. By paying the below mentioned registration fee:
Institution | Registration fee | Participants will receive the following items |
Institutes which are In Dhaka City Corporation and adjacent areas | Per person 600/- BDT | (2X2)breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, T-shirt, Cap, Bag, Folder, Pad, Pen, Certificate, Poster, Calendar, Publication etc. |
Honorable teachers, moderators & guardians | Per person 1000/- BDT |
5. Festival Authority will not provide any accommodation & transport allowance.
6. If anyone wants to take accommodation facilities, then he/she will pay ‘300Tk Per Night’ and must be confirm to the festival authority within February 18, 2012.
7. Everyone will have to collect the ID given by Festival Authority to get access to the festival premises.
8. Everyone will have to carry the gift & food coupon; otherwise he or she will not get food and gift items.
9. If anyone is found to destruct the purity or the image of the festival then the festival authority will be bound to take necessary actions against the accused personnel or organization.
10. Festival authority will not be responsible for the incidents that are outside of the venue.
11. For any query or information about the festival please contact according to the regional contact list attached with this letter.
12. Festival authority is the ultimate decision maker of any kind regarding the festival.
13. Participants can submit their registration forms either thorough their zonal contact person or by courier service. Postal Address for submitting registration form:
Program Schedule:
Dhaka Residential Model College, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207(opposite prime minister official’s residence)
Day 1: Friday, February 24, 2012
Morning 8.00 am : Reporting, ID card, Gift Items & Food Coupon Distribution.
Morning 8.30 am : Breakfast.
Morning 9.00 am : Hoisting National Flag and National Anthem.
Morning 9.15 am : Grand Rally.
Morning 10.00 am : Opening Ceremony and NDF-BD Life Time Achievement award.
Morning 11.30 am : Model Debate (NDF BD Format)
বিষয়ঃ ভারতীও চলচ্চিত্রের আমদানি দেশিও চলচ্চিত্রকে ধ্বংস করবে
Noon 12.30 pm : Public Speaking Competition (English) Open for all.
Subject: What we have achieved only…………….
Noon 01.30 pm : Lunch Break.
Noon 2.30 pm : Multimedia Presentation.
Noon 3.00 pm : Model debate (Regional Format).
বিষয়ঃ আমার দেশের মাটি সবার চেয়ে খাঁটি (ঢাকাইয়া , সিলেট , বরিশাল , পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ , রংপুর , নোয়াখালী , চট্টগ্রাম , কুষ্টিয়া ) ।
Noon 3.45 pm : Workshop (Pronunciation, Presentation and Public Speaking).
Afternoon 4.30 pm : Model debate(Traditional format)
বিষয়ঃ কৃষি উন্নয়নে নাগরিক শিক্ষার্থীদের গ্রামমুখী হওয়া উচিত
Afternoon 5.15 pm : Meet the Personalities (hope to attend Shiek shiraj, Musa Ibrahim ,Anisul haque, Hriday khan,Bipash hayet,alvi,RJ raju,
Evening 6.00 pm : Model Debate (Plan chat Model).
বিষয়ঃ আমি আপনারে ছাড়া করিনা কাহরে কুর্ণিশ (গাদ্দাফি, মাদার তেরেসা, হিটলার, কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম এবং চে গুএভারা )।
Evening 7.00 pm : Cultural Show (Participants and Guest Celebrities).
Night 9.00 pm : Camp Fire and Dinner.
Program Schedule
Dhaka Residential Model College, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207(opposite Prime Minister Official’s residence)
Day 2: Saturday, February 25, 2012
Morning 8.30 am : Breakfast.
Morning 9.00 am : Model Debate (WUDC Format)
Subject: This house believes that, the 15th amendment of the constitution is terminal to democracy.
Morning 10.00 am : Workshop (Debate study, script writing, rebuttal and applications)
Morning 10.45 am : Model Debate (Parliamentary Model)
বিষয়ঃ এই সংসদ মনে করে যে, শক্তিশালী নির্বাচন কমিশন-ই পারে সুষ্ঠু নির্বাচন নিশ্চিত করতে।
Noon 11.30 pm : Workshop (parliamentary debate rules & practice)
Noon 12.15 pm : Public Speaking Competition (Bengali) Open for All.
বিষয়ঃ আহা আজি এ বসন্তে ……………..
Noon 1.15 pm : Lunch Break
Noon 2.00 pm : Open Discussion Session
Noon 3.45 pm : Workshop(Total preparation to attend any debate competition)
Afternoon 4.15 pm : Model Debate (Fun Model)
বিষয়ঃ Love এ কোন লাভ নেই, শুধুই Loss ……….
Evening 5.30 pm : Closing Ceremony (Distribution of certificates & awards)
Evening 6.30 pm : Cultural Show Performed by Famous Artists.
Night .00 pm : Grand Dinner.
The Contact Persons for the Dhaka Metropolitan and Adjacent Areas
6th NDF BD National Debate Festival’12
Sl No. | Contact Person | Zone | Contact Number |
1. | Mr. Shariful Anwar ( Teacher of Oxford) Md. Abdullah Al Mujahid Tarif | All English Medium School | 01911-319950 01672-654525 |
2. | Shahriar Haque Mazumder (Shimul) | Uttra, Khilkhet | 01926-736776 01926-736779 |
3. | Md. Tarik Hossain Mir Samsunnahar Toma | Mirpur, Mirpur (Cant.) | 01715-440212 01745-314853 |
4. | Md. Imran Md. Hasan | Banani, Gulshan, Mohakhali | 01747-927082 01717-013150 |
5. | Md. Tamzid Hasan | Khilgaon, Rampura, Badda | 01735-861869 01197-273218 |
6. | Shahadat Hossen Mithu Sefate Mosfaka Taposhi (Tinni) | Mohammadpur | 01677-575715 017190-62000 |
7. | Tania Akhter Tanzia Sabrin Mishu | Farmgate, Green Road | 01723-984584 01731-939324 |
8. | Fahmida Yasmin Tania Nazia Sardar | Dhanmondi, Newmarket, Azimpur | 0182-3392469 01716-166444 |
9. | Md. Tamzid Hasan Md. Ibrahim Nusrat Al Islam | Malibagh, Mogbazar, Shantinagar, Motijheel, Kamalapur | 01735-861869 and 01197-273218 01917-048297 01736-736968 |
10. | Mahbubur Rahman Shakil Shangjupta Das Pooja | Old Dhaka | 01675-754367 01670-733453 |
11. | Md. Ibrahim | Jatrabari, Demra | 01917-048297 |
12. | Dr. Arafat | Narayangonj | 01717-888723 |
13. | A.K.M Shahriar | Savar | 01719-107610 |
14. | Sohanoor Rahman Md. Forhad Pervez Likhon | All Medical College | 01745-806703 01723-247117 |
15. | Harisul Islam Sajib Waliullah Rana | All Madrasa | 01921-009287 01916-081382 |
For festival pre registration please log on:
For any quarry or suggestion regarding festival, please contact with:
Mr. A.K.M Shoaib (Chairman, NDF BD) - 01611- 541566 (
Mr. Uttam Roy (Secretary General) - 01914-393125
Mr. Musbah Ahmed Mahdi (6th Festival Convener) - 01819-816367, 01716-588708
¯’vb: XvKv †iwm‡Wbwmqvj g‡Wj K‡jR wgjbvqZb|
XvKv †g‡UªvcwjUb Gi evB‡ii AskMÖnYKvixiv Drme msµvš— †h †Kvb Z‡_¨i Rb¨
‡hvMv‡hvM Ki“bt
Ô6ô GbwWGd wewW RvZxq weZK© DrmeÕ 12 Gi ‡iwR‡óªkb, Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM KwgwU
G †K Gg †kv‡qe | ‡Pqvig¨vb, NDF BD | 01711541566 |
gymevn Avn‡g` gvn`x | AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01819816367 |
DËg ivq | gnvmwPe, NDF BD | 01914393125 |
Gg. Ave`yjvn Avj gvgyb | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01712534120 |
†gvt mvBdzj Bmjvg evei | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01713368610 |
Zvmw`K nvmvb `xc | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01717409061 |
dvnwg`v Bqvmwgb Zvwbqv | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01823392469 |
bvg | cÖwZôvb/c`ex | ‡gvevBj bs | ||
XvKv wefvM | ||||
Gg knx`yj Bmjvg gyKzj | ‡Pqvig¨vb, gyKzj GKv‡Wgx †kicyi | 01558340104 | ||
ivRxe miKvi | ‡kicyi | 01712887318 | ||
‡gvt Avmv`y¾vgvb Avmv` | evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq, gqgbwmsn | 01710293676 | ||
dvêybx gRyg`vi | ‡k‡i evsjv K…wl wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv | 01675120428 | ||
Avd‡ivRv AvLZvi | gywÝMÄ | 01682316301 | ||
‡gvt AvwkKzi ingvb AvKvk | m`m¨, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01754343333 | ||
PÆMÖvg wefvM | |||||
‡gvt †PŠayix †Mvjvg gvIjv | ‡WcywU Ae ÷z‡W›U A¨v‡dqvm©, B›Uvib¨vkbvj BmjvwgK BDwbfvwm©wU wPUvMvs | 01195001482 | |||
dR‡j Gjvwn | ‡cÖwm‡W›U, †Mvevj wf‡jR, iv½vgvwU | 01554308462, | |||
cÖ`xc †PŠayix | ‡Kv-AwW©‡bUi, LvMovQwo †Rjv | 01550606080 | |||
bvRgyb mvwKe Lvb B‡qb | ‡bvqvLvjx weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq | 01726559221 | |||
Lvwj` mvBdzjvn | hyM¥ mvavib m¤úv`K, weeZ©b, PÆMÖvg | 01814133426 | |||
widvK Avn‡g` | mfvcwZ, wf‡±vwiqv K‡jR weZK© cwil`, Kzwgjv | 01918238636 | |||
Ave`yjvn Avj Av`bvb | †cÖwm‡W›U, B.G.C Uªv÷ BDwbfvwm©wU wW‡ewUs K¬ve, PÆMÖvg | 01922528431 | |||
‡iRvDj Kwig ivRy | j¶xcyi wW‡eU G‡mvwm‡qkb | 01680167000 | |||
‡gvt bvRgyj nK | j¶xcyi miKvix K‡jR | 01811191924 | |||
Lyjbv wefvM | |||||
KvRx jyrdz‡bœmv | wkw¶Kv, we.G.Gd kvnxb K‡jR, h‡kvi | 01711274666 | |||
†gvt iweDj Bmjvg | gWv‡iUi, †LvKkv K‡jR wW‡ewUs K¬ve | 01712736595 | |||
G.Gb.Gg kwdDÏxb | Lyjbv BDwbfvwm©wU | 01675921219 | |||
Avkivdzj nK | Lyjbv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR | 01922785959 | |||
wgbnvRyj Av‡e`xb iveŸx | mv‡eK mfvcwZ, Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹zj wW‡ewUs K¬ve | 01745029999 | |||
gvmy` cvi‡fR | Kzwóqv miKvix K‡jR | 01711018343 | |||
ivRkvnx wefvM | ||
Aa¨vcK gvRnvi“j gvbœvb | Dcva¨¶ AUSSN ¯‹zj GÛ K‡jR MvBevÜv | 01715205678 |
gv‡R` AvRv` | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01716301763 |
Wvt BkwZqvK nK ‡gvZ©Rv | knx` wRqv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR, e¸ov | 01717578887 |
gvwbK miKvi kªveY | ‡cÖwm‡W›U bxjdvgvix wW‡eU †dWv‡ikb | 01558391294 |
‡gvt mv‡qg kvnwiqvi wRnvb | cvebv †gwW‡Kj K‡jR | 01747183667 |
ewikvj wefvM | ||
Rvwn` nvmvb kIKZ | ‡Pqvig¨vb, ewikvj wW‡eU G‡mvwm‡qkb | 01716868244 |
†g‡n`x nvmvb ïf | gnvmwPe, ewikvj wW‡eU G‡mvwm‡qkb | 01916280831 |
bvwmi“Ïxb mygb | mfvcwZ we.Gg K‡jR wW‡ewUs K¬ve | 01925037879 |
‡ivwgI | we.Gg K‡jR wW‡ewUs K¬ve | 01728290399 |
wm‡jU wefvM | ||
Wvt Kz`iZ Gjvnx | hyM¥ AvnŸvqK, Drme D`&hvcb KwgwU | 01714109252 |
aª“e iÄb ivq | kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq | 01675469935 |
kvnbvR †mZz | wm‡jU DB‡gÝ †gwW‡Kj K‡jR | 01558349491 |
iscyi wefvM | ||
AvRnvi“j Bmjvg `yjvj | gnvmwPe, iscyi wW‡eU †dWv‡ikb | 01712572327 |
†gvt by‡i Avjg wmwÏKx | nvRx `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq, w`bvRcyi | 01723129224 |
‡iwR‡óªkb I Drme msµvš— †h †Kvb Z‡_¨i Rb¨ jM Ab Ki“bt www.ndfbd.comcivg‡k©i Rb¨ mailKi“bt,, |
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